Staying motivated in the winter

In winter, even dedicated athletes have a hard time keeping up with their regular workout routine, so it’s no wonder if you watch your favourite TV shows instead of exercising. The cold weather, short winter days, and depressing darkness can be discouraging, and on top of that, even gyms are closed now. Yet, the best antidote to winter fatigue and depression is regular exercise. If you don’t know how to get yourself to exercise, read our 3+1 tips for motivation!

  1. Find a friend!

    Find a training partner with whom you can motivate and hold each other accountable. It’s easier to train like this, whether by joining an online class together, or discussing your experiences during an evening video chat session.


  1. Reward yourself!

    Set personal goals, but make sure to pick ones that you are able to accomplish! Every goal needs a reward, so reward yourself when you succeed!


  1. Make long-term plans!

    It was easy to sign up for the first class, you even followed every video the first week, but you had second thoughts the second or third week? Trick yourself into exercising by buying a gym membership, or find a personal trainer!

    Make a plan for a minimum of 12 weeks, even if you create your own workout plan. It takes around 3 months to develop a habit, which is easier to follow later!


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The power of social media is often underestimated; however, it is one of the best motivational tools. Share your progress regularly, and you will see how much your online community helps you to keep motivated!

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